Statin drugs have been found to age the body more quickly. This is an important finding for the millions of people who take a cholesterol lowering drug every day for decades of their life. Researchers have found that statins adversely affect stem cells. These cells normally help to repair your body and can help to protect you from muscle and joint pain, as well as memory loss. Taking a statin means losing this protection. The drugs actually prevent stem cells from generating new cartilage and bone. This research was published in the American Journal of Physiology. It is well known that these drugs can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, cataracts, muscle pain and weakness, liver dysfunction, memory loss and fatigue. According to Dr Malcolm Kendrick, who specializes in heart disease, “Statins just make many patients feel years older. This research reinforces what has long been suspected. The side effects of statins mimic the aging process. I observe patients on statins slowing down. Some are not affected, for some it is a relatively subtle process, but for many it is a serious side effect and one which disturbingly helps us confirm what we have long suspected.” In some people statins can reduce the risk of a heart attack and help to prolong life. Unfortunately these drugs are very over prescribed and many people take them with little benefit and great risk. For a lot of people dietary and lifestyle changes are far more effective and safer than taking statins indefinitely. Please do not discontinue any medication without proper medical supervision. For more information about heart disease see our book Cholesterol: The Real Truth. Source