Some cholesterol lowering medications could be putting your kidneys at risk. The kidneys are fragile organs and do not have the ability to repair themselves. In most cases there are natural options for managing cholesterol levels.

Rosuvastatin is a cholesterol lowering drug sold under the brand name Crestor. New research has demonstrated an increased risk of kidney failure compared with atorvastatin (Lipitor). This has led researchers to recommend starting and staying with a low dose in patients with chronic kidney disease.  The study of almost a million patients starting on statin therapy provides data on proteinuria (protein in the urine), haematuria (blood in the urine) and kidney failure with rosuvastatin. The higher the dose, the greater the risk.

The research was conducted by Johns Hopkins University. Over a follow up period of three years, rosuvastatin users had a 15 percent higher risk of developing kidney failure requiring dialysis or kidney transplant, than patients taking atorvastatin. According to the figures, rosuvastatin was linked with an 8 percent higher risk of haematuria and a 17 percent higher risk of proteinuria. Patients with an eGFR of less than 30mL/min/1.73m2 were at greatest risk. Worryingly, the researchers found that almost 45 percent of patients with moderate to severe kidney disease were prescribed high doses of rosuvastatin. The US Food and Drug Administration's recommended dose is capped at 10mg a day. Almost half were taking more.

According to the researchers, “These findings suggest the need for closer attention and monitoring to rosuvastatin use, particularly in patients who are receiving high doses or with severe chronic kidney disease.” Please don’t discontinue any medication without prior discussion with your doctor.

Natural ways to lower cholesterol

Statins work by inhibiting the action of the enzyme inside the liver that’s responsible for cholesterol production. Your liver manufactures cholesterol primarily out of carbohydrate, sugar, alcohol and any excess calories you’ve consumed. People with insulin resistance (hyperinsulinemia) are most prone to developing elevated cholesterol and triglycerides because they do not metabolize carbohydrate well. High cholesterol often occurs together with high blood pressure, abdominal obesity and elevated blood sugar. This combination is called metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, pre-diabetes or syndrome X.

The following tips should be help:

  • Cut down or eliminate alcohol, sugar, carbohydrate rich foods and industrial seed oils from your diet.  These foods can elevate both cholesterol and blood sugar. The liver is very proficient at converting these foods into fat.  Industrial seed oil high in linoleic acid can promote insulin resistance and a fatty liver. Fried foods and packaged foods like crisps, chips, crackers and cookies are usually full of the wrong fats. If you experience strong sugar cravings, Glicemic Balance capsules reduce cravings by balancing your blood sugar.
  • Make vegetables, protein and natural fats the foundation of your diet. These foods will keep you feeling full and will keep your blood sugar level stable throughout the day.  This is very important in order to prevent hypoglycaemia, sugar cravings, foggy head and fatigue. Many people trying to improve their health actually don’t eat enough protein and fat.  They are in such a rush that they eat too little food.  This is dangerous territory because you will be at far greater risk of bingeing on all the wrong foods once you get tired and hungry enough. When eating protein rich foods like fish, poultry or red meat, please eat a palm and a half sized portion. Whey protein powder is an excellent source of protein that’s highly satiating. It will help to keep you feeling full for many hours and reduces the risk of sugar cravings. Please include good fats in your diet like olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds and oily fish such as salmon.  People who don’t eat enough protein and fat usually crave sugar and carbohydrate. For more information see the book I Can’t Lose Weight and I Don’t Know Why.
  • Take a powerful liver tonic. Diet changes will help, but you should reach your health goals sooner, and feel more energetic sooner if you take a good quality liver tonic. Livatone Plus contains the nutrients your liver needs in order to burn fat efficiently and detoxify your bloodstream.

For more detailed information see the book Cholesterol: The Real Truth.


The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.